Latest Happenings at Eden-Page 34

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05/07/04 Work to date on the Education Resource Centre.


05/07/04 Tropical views from inside the Humid Tropics Biome.


05/07/04 Grapes and Sunflowers in the Warm Temperate Biome.


05/07/04 How about a grass roof extension?  It will be a food bar shortly.


05/07/04 The ducks (they love pasty crumbs) sharing their lake with the Stage.


05/07/04 The stage is nearly built for the first of the Eden Sessions Brian Wilson on the 16th July.  This year it is almost entirely built over the lake to make more room for the party goers.


05/07/04 Crowds arrive in good numbers to see Eden, but queuing is kept to a minimum with good people handling skills.  Green Team hard at work weeding, a never ending task.


05/07/04 Lavender, all varieties greet you as you enter the Eden Street.  Kids eat free at Eden this summer and so do these huge pitcher plants.


25/08/04 Summer views of Eden.


25/06/04 Squirting Cucumber 'Ecballinm elaterium' Ripe fruits expel seed under pressure travelling several metres, to be found in the Warm Temperate Biome.


25/06/04 Sunflowers in the Warm Temperate Biome.


25/06/04 Humid Tropics Biome and Warm Temperate Biome views


25/06/04 Work on the Education Resources Centre to date.


14/06/04 Eden's street, showing a display of pinks.        Magnificent Hosta's in bloom.             


14/06/04 Bottle Brush avenue leading to the biomesIrdaceae 'Watsonia Tabularis'  to be found in the WTB


14/06/04 Tobacco in the WTB                    The Dublin's rice wall in the HTB


14/06/04 The foundations of the Education Resource Centre go in as Dublin watches.


14/06/04 Lorry loads of building materials arrive on site.  An interesting bit of gear up in Pineapple car park  Neter Composter  This actually  bit is a MBR (membrane bio-reactor) basically that means it cleans and recycles water from the composter which is yet to arrive.


03/06/04 Taiko Drumming Workshop, Dome Tent 3rd and 4th June


02/06/04 Captain looking for his ship, which is just about to set sail.


02/06/04 The Captain has spied a large land mass ahead with mountains and snow on them!


02/06/04 A good hour of entertainment on board ship at 12.30pm and again at 2.30pm


02/06/04 Irish's rice wall, now growing rice!  Vinery in the HTB growing at high speed.


02/06/04 New sculpture creating a lot of interest. High walk way in the HTB  


02/06/04 Pepper pots! in WTB   New sculpture in the WTB not sure what it is but it's prickly.


02/06/04   Dahlia planting, back bending work!         Sunflowers in the WTB    


02/06/04 It's amazing the different noises that can be made with a bit of experimentation.


02/06/04 Musical instruments from plants, lots of fun and lots of noise!


02/06/04 Green Music Workshop enables any person of any age or ability to participate in musical creativity - no previous musical experience necessary.


25/05/04 The establishment of a banana plantation begins.  Sunflowers in the Warm Temperate Biome.


25/05/04 Construction of the recycling plant. This will produce useable compost from most green and other waste.  The waste is fed in at one end and compost comes out the other, it's a continuous process. Neter Composter  Grand steps view of the Humid Tropics Biome


18/05/04 Big Build 2  - the work so far.


18/05/04 Bird scaring Eden style. 


18/05/04 Alfresco dining outside the Morocco Red Restaurant.     Lilies and biomes


            18/05/04 Avenue view.                                        Jill in her garden.                  


18/05/04 One of those sort of summer days at Eden.


18/05/04 The nearest beach to Eden as the crow flies is Carlyon Bay   The lake at Eden.



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