Summer at Eden 2007 Picture Blog
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Places to stay near Eden
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16/07/07 The roof of the pagoda style building. The summer flowers are coming into their own in the Eden gardens. 16/07/07 Sweet Peas are putting on a dazzling display. 16/07/07 'Fuchsia boliviana' and the flower display in the Med Biome. 16/07/07 Grape production in the Med Biome. Lavender fields on the Biome mounds. 16/07/07 Dublin indicating the best place to dig, now the building of the Mechanical Theatre is completed it's time to sort the garden and pathways. 16/07/07 Rigging a land based ship which is now ready to receive it's sails. 16/07/07 It will look like the real thing when the sails are fitted. 16/07/07 The Global gardeners, the Shed and the allotments. 16/07/07 It's got to be the most colourful garden shed, and look at the size of those onions. 10/07/07 Hot Chip started tonight's Session with heavy loud basslines and percussive melodies. Hot Chip Video Clip 10/07/07 Hot Chip soon got everyone dancing to the pounding bass. Atlantic FM were live on the air from Eden, just in front of the link building.
10/07/07 Tim Smit, giving a live interview
leaning on the 'Edge' of Atlantic FM's converted ice cream van / mobile
studio, I nipped off for a crafty pint before Rufus came on stage.
10/07/07 Dave, Eden's Marketing manger, did his now famous information hand signals as to the best places to find beer, food and loos, and announced, "Rufus Wainwright will be next on stage". Video clip Rufus Wainwright part1 10/07/07 Rufus wearing lederhosen and knee-socks to start the evening, the Eden crowd were treated to many of his hits as well as Hallelujah which was written by Leonard Cohen and made famous by Jeff Buckley. Video Clip Rufus part 2 Video Clip Rufus part 3 10/07/07 Rufus was on form tonight, as you will see from the movie clips shortly. Video Clip part 4 encore - Hallelujah and Get Happy 10/07/07 The encore started off with Judy Garland's Get Happy, performed while wearing tights, lipstick and earrings while his band donned suits, an amazing evening. 09/07/07 Fast moving queues, as lots of visitors want to get into Eden. A view of the new garden, some parts are still under construction. 090707 The lighting is being rigged for tomorrows Session with Rufus Wainwright last few tickets still available. 09/07/07 The wooden roof in of the building in the Banrock Station garden is being hammered on and the agapanthus near by are in flower. 09/07/07 Agapanthus along the pathways to the Biomes, Teddy bear sunflowers in the Med Biome. 09/07/07 Part of 'Say it with Flowers' display in the Med Biome. 09/07/07 Dahlias in the Eden garden, Morphine Poppies now in bloom. 02/07/07 'Rushmore' were the first band on stage and the crowd arrived in plenty of time to gain access to their favourite viewing positions, they began playing at 20:00 and, in my opinion, gave an absolutely brilliant performance. David (Eden's marketing director) welcomed everyone and introduced 'Rushmore'. 02/07/07 'Rushmore' started the Session with a quality performance. Video Clip of Rushmore 02/07/07 James Morrison on stage playing to a capacity crowd of around 6000. The rain held off and James said, "How good it was to be back in Cornwall" Video Clip of James Morrison 02/07/07 As always James Morrison was a huge success, the crowd loved him and sang along with all his hits, a great atmosphere. 02/07/07 A really good evening and I'm looking forward to the other Sessions. 29/0/07 The Stage is being made ready for James Morrison on the 2nd July. There are still a few tickets left if you haven't got one. 29/06/07 Agapanthus are just coming into bloom. 29/06/07 An interesting Wooden building is being constructed in Eden's new garden. Video Clip of Eden's waterfall in the Rain Forest Biome and the Wooden building above. 29/06/07 Sunflowers in the Med Biome, interested visitors hearing about new methods of growing tomatoes. 29/06/07 Stocks fill the air with fragrance and this seasons grapes are coming on nicely. 29/06/07 In the Rain Forest Biome see, Torch Ginger 'Zingiberaceae' These Spectacular flowers are edible and often used in curries and noodle dishes. 29/06/07 In the Rain Forest Biome the trees have grown to an immense height and everything is lush and green. 29/06/07 Step into a real jungle with rushing water and and tree canopy cover. 29/06/07 Morphine Poppy 'papaveraceae' Now grown in the UK to yield pharmaceutical Morphine. In China Ginkgo Biloba is grown in hedges. Among its many varied uses the ginkgolides are used to improve the bodies circulation of blood. 29/06/07 My favourite and in the news recently 'Echinacea' one of the best selling herbal immune system stimulates. Never get another cold? 'Elecampane' The roots yield a herbal medicine for coughs and asthma. 20/06/07 A splendid back drop for the Peter Gabriel Session. The rain came down and the umbrella's went up. Around 3500 attended the damp, but exciting evening. 20/06/07 The hands on experience with the seed, each beautifully formed seed-lets send shivers down your spine on touching, come to Eden for a touchy feely experience. 20/06/07 Charlie Winston were on stage when I arrived, followed by Show of Hands their 4th gig at the Eden Sessions. A brilliant performance from both bands. 20/06/07 A welcome from Peter Gabriel at 9.15pm. and on with the show which ended after two encores at 11.15pm. Short video clip Peter Gabriel - The Blood of Eden 20/06/07 A blaze of light and colour Peter Gabriel on stage at Eden. Short video clip 19/06/07 The Seed is being made ready for tomorrow's Dedication Ceremony, and the accompanying gallery of photographs will be open from Wednesday 20th June. 19/06/07 Stage is being set up for tomorrows gig (ticket for the Eden Sessions available) Flower production display in the Med Biome. 19/06/07 The first sunflowers are showing their faces in the Med Biome. 16/06/07 The Arena and stage area being made ready for the gig next Wednesday. 16/06/07 The new 2007 flags are fluttering in the breeze throughout Eden's glorious landscape. 16/06/07 Bottle brush next to the willow tunnels and wavy path. The first of the sweet peas are putting on a show in the Eden garden.
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